A wide variety of fish may be caught from the jetty. In fact, just about any of the saltwater fish in this area except the big
game fish have been caught there. One of the major factors in catching fish there is the time of year due to migration
patterns of the various fish. Here is a general idea by the time of year.

JANUARY:                  Redfish, Sheepshead, Grouper, Flounder

FEBRUARY:               Redfish, Sheepshead, Grouper

MARCH:                     Redfish, Sheepshead, Bluefish, Pompano, Cobia, Spanish Mackerel

APRIL:                        Redfish, Sheepshead, Bluefish, Pompano, Spanish Mackerel, Cobia. Baitfish  start showing up.

MAY:                           Redfish, Bluefish, Pompano, Spanish Mackerel, King Mackerel, Ladyfish, Bonito,  and baitfish.

JUNE:                         Bluefish, Spanish Mackerel, Bonito, Ladyfish, Mangrove Snapper and baitfish.

JULY:                          Bluefish, Spanish Mackerel, Mangrove Snapper, Lady Fish, Bonito and baitfish.

AUGUST:                    Bluefish, Spanish Mackerel, Mangrove Snapper, Ladyfish, Bonito and baitfish.

SEPTEMBER:             Bluefish, Spanish Mackerel, Mangrove Snapper, Grouper, Ladyfish, Bonito and baitfish.

OCTOBER:                 Redfish, Bluefish, Mangrove Snapper, Grouper, Spanish Mackerel, Flounder, Last of the
                                 baitfish for the season.

NOVEMBER:              Redfish, Mangrove Snapper, Bluefish, Grouper, Flounder. Baitfish are pretty much gone by now.

The west jetty is the longest jetty and takes the most time to
get to the end (45 minutes to an hour walk). Access it by
parking on the southwest end of the Destin Hwy 98 bridge.
Walk along the shore of the east pass.

West Jetty Parking Area
GPS coordinates N 30 23.28 W 086 31.20

Park in the designated area at the southwest end of the
Destin Hwy 98  bridge. Note: The land west of Destin to Ft
Walton Beach is federal property and is part of Eglin AFB.

Parking area for the west Destin Jetty.

Walk along the west shore of the east pass to get to the
west jetty.

You have to stay close to the shoreline as the area just
south of it is a bird sanctuary and is posted DO NOT

Once you turn the bend, the west jetty will come into view.

You are about a 15 minute walk to the rocks from here.
The water is shallow all the way to the rocks.

Once you reach the rocks, you will find the ocean side is
filled in with soft sand.

It will take you about 30 minutes to reach the end once you
reach the rocks.

A lot of careful walking from here on.

The green stuff is very slippery.

These are the rocks you will have to climb over.

And the tide moves very fast at times. You fall in and you
are out to sea.

Lands end at the west jetty.

The east jetty is the easiest to get to and the shortest
walk (20 to 30 minutes). Access it by turning south off of
Hwy 98 by Target onto Gulfshore Drive. Follow Gulfshore
Drive to the end of the street, along the south side of the
Destin Harbor.

East Jetty Osteen Beach Access Entrance
GPS coordinates        N 30 23.16 W 086 30.20

Park in the designated area on the north side of
Gulfshore Drive along the Destin Harbor. You will need to
arrive early in the summer to find a parking place.

A sign "Osteen Public Beach Access" located on the
south side of Gulfshore Drive marks the public entrance.

A fresh water shower is available here to rinse the sand
from your feet. There are no public toilet facilities near

Follow the sand trail about 50 yards, following the white
concrete fence on your right.

The trail will open up onto the beach and the east pass.

You will see the spur jetty and the east jetty in the
distance. It is easier to walk on the wet sand than the soft

In the summer, the dive and snorkeling boats will park in
the sheltered area just north of the Spur Jetty.

The spur jetty is the northern end of the east jetty and
protrudes out into the east pass. It is relatively short.

The end of the Spur jetty is a good fishing place as the
deep ship channel runs near it.

There is a good hole on the northwest end of the spur

The start of the east jetty from the spur jetty.

Looking back north from the east jetty toward the Spur

The morning boat parade in the summer

End of the East Jetty.  Sometimes the waves will prevent
you from getting this close to the water.

Lands end at the East Jetty

View Destin East Pass Jetties in a larger map
Fishing Destin Guide©

                                         East Pass Jetties

A local's guide to fishing around Destin and the Florida Panhandle    

This web site is updated as I have time from other things going on. As there are a 1000 + different ways to do things, this is only
my way of fishing, nothing else,  and it is not the last word in fishing the area. I am by no means an expert but if you would like my opinion on something
related to fishing the area, please email me at
FishingDestinGuide@cox.net.  It may take a few days before I get to it, so be patient. Thanks.....

© Copyright  2018 Fishing Destin Guide
All rights reserved     
Fishing Destin's East
Pass Jetties

Fishing the Destin East Pass jetties is an
experience into itself. You are at the heart
of Destin's fishing, the east pass, and
have a ring-side seat to all of the boat
traffic that comes and goes from the
Destin harbor. And, you can catch fish
here just about all the time.

With the daily tidal changes coming
through the east pass, the jetties are a
prime feeding area for the predators of the
ocean: shark, king and spanish mackerel,
bluefish, grouper, redfish, flounder, trout,
sheepshead,and a wide variety of baitfish.
The sunrises and sunsets are spectacular,
with an unencumbered
view of the beach.
Destin East Pass

The twin east pass channel jetties
were constructed in 1969 by the US Corps
of Engineers. They guard the East Pass
Channel from the sifting sands of the Gulf
of Mexico. The channel is dredged on a
periodic basis by the US Army Corps of
Engineers to maintain a mean channel
depth of approximately 14.5 feet. The east
pass channel is the only outlet to the gulf
for the 100 miles of coastline between
Pensacola and Panama City. For a history
and historical pictures of the Destin East
Pass, go to
Destin East Pass History .

A WORD OF CAUTION: The jetties are
constructed of large car-size boulders.
There is no smooth walkway on them. To
get to the end, you need to step from one
boulder to the next. There are drops of
over 20' in between the rocks. Also, under
certain weather conditions, the ocean
waves will reach  the top of the jetty.
People have been swept off of them by
waves. The jetties are no place for young

How do I get out to the jetties?

What kind of fish can you catch from the Jetties
What do I need to take to the

What you take depends on a lot of factors, ie, what fish you are targeting,
time of the year, your preference. This is just a guide to start with and is
not the final answer.

1.  Two rod & reels

a. Light weight rod/reel/line for fishing surface lures & bait.

       - ROD: 6-7'
       - REEL: Light weight spinning or bait casting reel
       - LINE:  8 to 12# test, monofilament or braid

b. Medium weight rod/reel/line for bottom fishing

       - ROD: 8-10' Medium-heavy action
       - REEL:   spinning reel
       - LINE:  20 TO 30# test, monofilament or braid

2.  Terminal tackle and lures:

       a. Gotchas, rigged with 3-4' 40# fluorocarbon leader or wire.

       b. Pompano jigs, your choice. White head with pink tail always a
           good one. Tied directly to your main line, no leader required.

       c. Fish finder rigs for live bait

       d. Chicken (Dropper) rigs

       e. Egg sinkers, 2, 4, 6 oz

       f. Pyramid sinkers, 2, 4, 6 oz

       g. Circle hooks, 2/0, 4/0, 6/0 as needed

       h. Swivels, 80#

       i. Bubble rigs, 2

       j. Bait as desired (Squid, shrimp, etc)

       k. # 6 or # 8 hook Sabiki rigs if you plan to catch live bait

3.  Back pack or shoulder bag to carry everything in.

4.  Hat

5.  Water and other beverage of choice

6.  Sun Block

7.  Needle nose pliars

8.  Knife

9.  Bag or cooler to carry your fish home in.  I use a soft side cooler with
shoulder strap.  Place you my water/drinks in a plastic bag in this bag to
keep separate from the fish and bait. Enough ice for the trip.(If possible,
gut the fish there)

10. Landing net or gaff. For the large fish. Sometimes you can not get
down to the water level due to the waves

11. Good pair of soft sole shoes to walk on the rocks with.

12. Food as desired

13. Towel for holding fish, wiping hands.

14. Fishing license (Effective August 1, 2009, anyone fishing from the
jetties must have a Florida Fishing License, includes Florida residents and
non Florida residents)

15. Measuring stick. The Florida Sportsman magazine produces a
measuring stick, called the Law Stick, that is stamped with the appropriate
size limits for Florida's saltwater fish and is real handy. These are sold at
Walmart, Bass Pro, and other tackle and bait stores. Half Hitch Tackle also
has their own version.

17.  Copy of Florida Fishing regulations with size limits, etc. You can pick
up at copy at Walmart, other sporting stores, or by ordering online at:  

NOTE: Fishing regulations change often. Check the FWCs Hot Topics
site for the latest:



FLORIDA RESIDENTS: Effective August 1, 2009,  Florida residents who
fish from shore or a structure affixed to shore will need to buy a $7.50 (plus
administrative and handling fees of approximately $1.50) shoreline fishing
license, unless they have a regular resident saltwater fishing license.

NON-FLORIDA RESIDENTS:   Saltwater license required. You can get
these at most sporting stores, Walmart, etc. If you have a major credit card,
the FWC offers you 2 ways to buy your hunting or fishing license without
leaving your home. Follow this link to buy your license online.
FLORIDA FISHING LICENSES ONLINE*(A $2.25 + 2.5% surcharge of
total sale per person will be added to your purchase.)

Dial toll-free, either 1-888-HUNT-FLORIDA (486-8356) or
1-888-FISH-FLORIDA (347-4356) from anywhere in the United States or
Canada.  (A $3.25 + 2.5% surcharge of total sale per person will be added
to your purchase.)

With either method, you'll have a temporary license number within minutes,
enabling you to hunt (in season) or fish right away. Your permanent
license will be mailed within 48 hours.